In the last two installments of the Universe Synthesis series, I explained in relatively simple terms what happened during the first 380,000 years of the life of the universe. In the first trillionth of a second or so, the four major forces that we know today split from the single force that they started out as, and then the first inklings of matter formed. We left off with the creation of hydrogen and helium.
The problem with an expanding universe is that as is expands, it loses kinetic energy. Imagine two pots of boiling water (each with an equal amount of water in them). If you set one on the stove and dump the other one on the floor, which will cool down faster? Clearly, the water, as it expands, radiates (and conducts) more heat away from it at a faster rate. In the same sort of way—as the universe expands—it cools down. Unfortunately, it takes energy to force atoms together to make heavier atoms. At 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe is overwhelmingly (if not completely) devoid of any element heavier than helium. With the matter in the universe cooling and spreading out at an alarming rate, how did the rest of the periodic table form? Where do we get carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, and gold?
The answer is—in the simplest form—gravity. The fast expanding space is filled, intermittently with enormous clouds of hydrogen (mixed with a very little helium). But the clouds aren't homogeneous; they're clumpy. In some places there are a few more atoms per cubic centimeter, making the region very slightly more massive than the areas around it. Believe it or not, this is the beginning of a star.
The slightly-more-massive clump has just a little stronger gravity than the other slightly less dense regions. As a result, other hydrogen atoms are statistically more likely to fall into the clump and join it. Over a very long time, the clump gets larger and larger, becoming more dense and more compact. As it gains matter (again, only hydrogen), the matter tends to fall towards the center of gravity, causing a particularly large mass of hydrogen gas to start forming there. The gas pushes on itself, or rather, it pulls it self together by its own gravity until the pressure is so great that it ignites.
Ignition, here, does not have the same meaning as it does on earth. The hydrogen is not burning, per se, it's fusing. The pressure is so great that the atoms are fused together. Two protons (which is just a hydrogen atom without its electrons) are fused into deuterium (still hydrogen, but with an extra neutron), deuterium and another proton make helium. Helium fuses into lithium, which fuses into beryllium. This is called the proton-proton chain. In heavier stars, there's enough thermal energy to initiate the CNO cycle, which creates primarily carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. With each fusion reaction, a little bit of energy is released as light. The light you see when you look at the sun (note: don't look at the sun) is the byproduct of the proton-proton chain.
Atoms continue to fall toward the center of gravity. As they do, and because they do not fall uniformly in every direction, the whole mass begins to spin. As it does, a disc that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation begins to form around the newly formed star. Matter begins to collect into the disc. Soon a star is happily burning. Around it, other pockets of dense hydrogen have started to burn. The whole collection of them is now a galaxy.
In course of time, the star runs out of material to burn. Heavy stars can get big and hot enough to force helium, carbon, and other heavier elements to burn, but eventually the matter in the star ceases to fuse. Either gently, bit by bit, or in a violent explosion, the layers of new elements are ejected into the interstellar medium (left-over hydrogen), enriching the surrounding area with new elements. In the particularly large explosions, the atoms gain enough energy to fuse into extremely heavy elements such as gold, copper, tungsten, or mercury. Since the interstellar medium is still, even after all that, predominantly hydrogen, the whole process stars again. Only this time, the conglomerating gas is enriched.
When the disc forms around this new star, the heavier elements stay behind as the hydrogen and helium fall towards the center. Close to the star, almost all of the hydrogen falls into the giant fusion reactor leaving behind rocky clumps of carbon. These clumps eventually collide and conglomerate themselves, forming huge spinning rocks that eventually form terrestrial planets. Further out, lots of hydrogen and helium remains to collect into large, dense clouds not big enough to become stars; they become gas giants. The further away a gas giant is from the star, the more molecules are able to form in its atmosphere (being cool enough to form them without immediately breaking them apart again) such as methane (which is what give Neptune and Uranus that nice, blue color).
Lest you think that we'll one day run out of building materials, consider that after 14 billion years of element synthesis, the detectable matter in the universe is still 75% hydrogen and a little less than 25% helium. That is, everything else that is not those two elements comprises much less than 1% of the total matter in the universe. Even then, consider your car, your kitchen appliances, a gold deposit in a mountain, or the circuitry in your computer. A long time ago, in a galaxy far away (I couldn't resist, but seriously...) every single one of those atoms was being shoved together in the first few seconds after a violent supernova explosion. And every single breath of air you take is filled with atoms that were fused inside a star millions of years ago. We live and breathe stardust.
So, that's how it happened. Or, at least, that's the best we can do at explaining it right now. This model is constantly being reformed and reworked, and new processed are constantly being discovered. One of the most amazing things to me is that almost all of this information was deduced by astronomers looking at the sun and other stars (note: do not look at the sun unless you are a trained professional). The only information from those sources that we can get is the light that they give off. In other words, astronomers found a way to deduce all of this just by looking at patterns of light given off by stars and combining it with what we already know about physics on earth. That, to me, is an amazing accomplishment.
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